Team Jan 2025 | BSL-2 lab | Calanque de Morgiou |
10 April 2024
Congratulations to Tonia Dargham for her thesis defense.
The jury members, from left to right: Dr Gérald Larrouy-Maunus - Dr Caroline Damangel - nex Dr Tonia - Dr Jérôme Nigou - Dr Nathalie Winter - Dr Oana Dumitrescu - Dr. Stéphane "The Boss" Canaan - Dr Laurent Kremer.
Romain takes the oath
4 April 2024
Congratulations to new Dr Romain Avellan for his thesis defense in front of a great jury: Prof. Dominique Guianvarc'h, Dr Yann Guerardel, Dr Odile Schiltz, Dr Mickael Blaise, Dr Stéphane Gastaldi, and Dr Jean-François Cavalier.
22 February 2024
Congratulations to Morgane Sarrazin for her thesis defense.
The jury members, from left to right: Dr Priscille Brodin - Prof Sophie Bleves - Dr Franck Biet - new Dr Morgane - Dr. Julien Buyck - Prof Geneviève Héry-Arnaud - Prof Jean-Louis Herrmann - Dr Stéphane "The Boss" Canaan.
23 November 2023
Congratulations to Pierre Santucci on being awarded a FEBS Excellence Award, which provides €100,000 in research funding.
4-6 October 2023
Poster presentation at the 18th SFM National Conference, Rennes
20-22 June 2022
Poster presentation at Mycodays 2022, Lyon
1st October 2019
Congratulations to Pierre Santucci (@PSantTB) for obtaining the thesis prize from SFM, at the 15th national Congress of SFM, Paris
18 December 2018
Congratulations to Pierre Santucci for his fabulous thesis defense.
The jury members: Dr. Chantal de Chastellier - Dr. Gérald Larrouy-Maumus - Dr. Stéphane "The Boss" Canaan - Dr. laurent Kremer - Dr. Olivier Neyrolles - Pr. Sophie Blévès - Dr. Priscille Brodin.
25 May 2018
Congratulations to Chi Nguyen for her thesis defense.
From left to right: Dr. Alain Baulard - Dr. Céline Crauste - Pr. Sophie Blévès - new Dr. Chi - Dr. Stéphane "The Boss" Canaan - Dr. Jean-Denis Pedelacq - Dr. Véronique Fontaine
18 May 2018
Pierre oral communication at the JSM3 meeting in Marseille got the Best Prize!
20 February 2018
Djalil oral communication at the VLM congress in Institut Pasteur, Paris.
February 2018
Stéphane, Jean-François and Djalil attended the VLM congress in Institut Pasteur, Paris.
Find them on the photo...
24 Nov. 2017 - Fériel PhD presentation
Congratulation to Fériel who made a great thesis defense.
September 2016
Pierre & Jean-François attended the EMBO Conference Tuberculosis 2016.
Find them on the photo...
October 2015
Tasting water by the Compagnie des Eaux de Marseille during the Fête de la Science at the CNRS Campus, with Vanessa & Isabelle.
6-5 May 2015
4th Conférence du Mycoclub organized by Stéphane Canaan at the CNRS Campus.
May 2015 - JSM3 meeting in Marseille
The Junior Scientists Microbiology Meeting of Marseille (JSM3) organizing committee.